The Remarkable Story of Eddy Boas
A visionary business leader, and a celebrated author, Eddy Boas embodies resilience and hope.

Meet Eddy
Born amid the upheaval of German-occupied Holland in 1940, Eddy Boas's early years were cast in the shadow of the Holocaust.
At just three years old, he and his family were imprisoned in the camps of Westerbork and Bergen-Belsen, emerging together against all odds.
Eddy’s family immigrated to Australia in March 1954 to start a new chapter in life. He carved out a successful path in business, mingling with world leaders and cementing his status as an esteemed international businessman.
Today, Eddy shares insights on resilience, imparting lessons from history’s dark chapters to inspire a brighter collective future.

“The first 5 years of my life, I lived in hell... Since then it has been a remarkable life.”
An Except from I’m not a Victim I am a Survivor

In the Media

28 August 2019
Listen to Eddy Boas, a Holocaust Survivor, Share His Life Story
Part of Stories Survive Speaker Series at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan 7pm.

Who really betrayed Anne Frank?
Eddy questions the focus on the betrayal of Anne Frank, emphasising the broader tragedy.

Man Behind That Junk Mail
Eddy began promoting direct mail in 1975, when we joined IMS Australia. Under IMS, he established Pan Pacific Seminars, which later became the largest annual marketing and advertising conference and trade exhibition in Australia.

Als 5-jarig jongetje had ik al geleerd te overleven (As a 5-year-old boy, I had already learned to survive)
Eddy Boas recounts his childhood in Bergen-Belsen, post-war struggles, successful business career, and ongoing efforts to promote resilience and remembrance for future generations.

Australia has lost our vital post-WWII unity
Eddy Boas reflects on Australia's changing multicultural landscape, rising antisemitism, and the need for unity, drawing parallels with his Holocaust survival and post-war experiences.

We Can Be Heroes Podcast Interview – Eddy Boas
Eddy Boas discusses his family's miraculous survival, the rise of antisemitism in Australia, and the need for strong leadership. He calls for unity among Jewish and Christian leaders to prevent history from repeating itself.

Contrite Dom Meets Holocaust Survivor After Nazi Little Surprise
In a heartfelt meeting, the NSW Premier and Eddy Boas discuss the lessons of the Holocaust.

Holocaust survivor’s remarkable tale of hope
From surviving terror to achieving prosperity, the article traces Eddy's remarkable journey.

‘ I want an apology before I die’
Eddy advocates for historical accountability and seeks an apology from the Dutch government.

Holocaust survivor addresses audience in Canberra
Eddy addresses the roots and risks of antisemitism in a gathering at the Israeli embassy.

Hamas hiding’ as innocent Palestinians suffer
Recalling Nazi occupation, Eddy draws parallels with today’s conflicts.

Survivor’s Premier event
Eddy speaks at NSW Parliament House Theatre to a full house of 200 attendees including school students from Masada College and Moria College, members of NSW Parliament and the general public. Then Premier, Dominic Perrottet, welcomed attendees.

Survivor to speak in home city
Appearing in front of an audience for the first time in the city of his birth, The Hague, The Netherlands, Eddy shares his amazing story of survival.

“Memory in the Living Room” Shoah memorial event at NSW State Parliament
Eddy was invited to speak at NSW Parliament’s Holocaust memorial event.

Engage with Eddy
Connect with a speaker who talks with you, not at you. Eddy's relatable approach brings stories to life, engaging audiences in a meaningful dialogue.
Speaking Engagements
From media appearances to discussions with policymakers, Eddy’s talks are both thought-provoking and motivating. Find out how you can invite Eddy to your event.
School Visits
Through interactive sessions, Eddy imparts crucial historical lessons to students, fostering a sense of empathy and connection with the past. Discover the impact of his visits and schedule one for your school.

Eddy's Memoir
I’m Not a Victim I am a Survivor
Eddy Boas’ memoir offers a truthful account from the devastating events of the Holocaust to his global adventures in travel and business.
It chronicles his family’s incredible survival and a life shaped by resilience. Built from family recollections and historical records, this book is Eddy’s way of unpacking and conveying the lessons of his past while wholeheartedly embracing the present.
Eddy offers insights from a lifetime of rich experiences, from achieving career milestones to the thrill of racehorse ownership. His interactions range from dialogues with global leaders to a conversation with a convicted murderer. This memoir travels through moments of darkness and colour, as Eddy imparts the wisdom he’s gained from both extremes.

Hear firsthand the profound impact of Eddy's story: a journey through darkness into light that continues to resonate with students, educators and leaders.

“Eddy, you are a testament to the human spirit and I think you have mine and everyone here’s abiding admiration, gratitude and respect,”
- Jillian Segal, President of Executive Council of Australian Jewry

“Listening to your story was a powerful and moving experience. Your message resonated deeply with all those present, and I received sincerely appreciative feedback from our guests following the event.”
- Amir Maimon, Ambassador of Israel to Australia

“I really like that your book is a life story focused on survival. You provide wonderfully varied touchstones that draw readers into your story. Thank you for writing it, publishing it, and sharing your story so we can learn from it.”
- Mitch Lieber, Lieber & Associates, Inc

“Mr Boas was an engaging and moving speaker and MPs had the chance to ask detailed questions about his experiences during the Holocaust - which was invaluable.”
- Scott Farlow, NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel

“When you said ‘never be afraid to ask a question’ this impacted me as a person who is exceptionally shy and always afraid to ask whats on my mind. Your story will resonate with me for the rest of my life.”
- Bechy, High School Student

“We are in awe of the Resilience shown to survive and navigate the challenges faced from the Holocaust, and to go on to live a happy life and a successful life in business. Eddy is truly remarkable. It’s a lesson for everyone.”
David Brell, Smartmove Pty Ltd, Executive Director